
Now that's small!

When I first moved to Japan many of my friends wanted to know about my house. In Australia Japanese houses have a reputation for being very small. Very high tech but very small.

The smallest house I've been to in Japan was a friend's one room apartment in Osaka. It was so small she didn't even have a bath! But it was an apartment, not a house.

Have a look at this picture:

The slender house, which is sandwiched between two unremarkable houses in the middle of a terrace, is 21ft long and 6ft wide

The green building in the middle? It's a house... It's 1.8m wide and 6.4m long. Wow....

Could you live in a house that small? I don't think I could!

Before it was a house it was a donkey stables.

I'm not sure what is worse- a house that is 1.8m wide or a house that used to be a donkey stables!


I'm moving to Pluto!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Did you give anybody chocolate?

Did you get chocolate from anybody?

Did you eat too much chocolate?

I know I did......

Our theme at Richard's Easy English School at the moment is Space.

And for everyone who ate too much chocolate on Valentine's Day space has good news for you!

Use this calculator to work out how much (or how little!) you'd weigh if you lived on another planet.

I don't know about you but I think I'm going to move to Pluto!