
Cooking with kids

March's Cooking in English theme is cooking with kids.

Perfect as the March cooking class is March 18th- during the school holidays.

So, come along with your kid(s) and have some fun, learn some English, and make something yummy.

The menu is fish pie and a surprising spinach salad.

Why is it surprising? You'll just have to come along and find out!

March Cooking in English
Place: Tagawa Community Centre
Date: March 18th (Friday)
Time: 10am- 12:00pm
Bring: Aprons and a container to take your cooking home in.
Bookings: Call Kanae on (0263) 34-9127

Hope to see you there!


We love English!

Today in the 7 year old class we were going to spend 10 minutes writing a Valentines Day Card to our mum or dad.

We are studying phonics so we know how to write Mum, Dad, From and of course our names but Love and Dear are still a bit tricky for some of us.

But the activity turned out to be very popular. Very popular indeed. Some of us couldn't decide who to write to so we wanted to write two cards.

But what about our big brother?

Little sister?

Grandma and Grandpa?

We ended up writing lots and lots of cards!

The person who wrote the most cards wrote six Valentines Day cards! That's a lot of love!

Here we are in action:

And here's one of the finished cards:

Happy Valentines Day to you all!


look what we made!

Today in the pre-kinder class at Azusagawa we made something pretty incredible. Sickness meant only N could come to class today but that didn't mean we couldn't still have fun!

N wanted to play with the blocks. So, while we talked about colours and shapes and counted how many blocks we used we made this:

See the semi-circles and upside down triangles in there? It was a pretty tricky tower so I stopped to take a picture.

But it got even bigger!

When it finally fell down we only had six blocks left to use and N could name triangles, circles and squares without prompting.

Go N!

And let's hope the rest of the class feel better for next week's lesson!


this month's cooking class

This month's Cooking in English class theme is a creamy potato and ham soup that's just perfect for breakfast on a cold winter's morning. Or lunch. Or dinner. Or all three- it's that good!

And we're following that with a gooey chocolate brownie. Very delicious. Too delicious if you're trying to watch your diet!

Come along for some fun, some food and some friendly English conversation!