

The 2 year old class at Azusagawa were a bit surprised when they turned up to class to find everything had turned scary all of a sudden- Happy Halloween!

But after we learnt the name of the cats of Halloween we made some very surprising books to take home:

Nothing to see here......

Hang on......



We did it!!!!

The Monday Toyoshina kinder class have been practicing writing our names for a couple of months now.

We started off writing holding the pencil together.

Then we traced over dotted lines.

And now?

Now we can all write our names copying from the whiteboard.



We have been doing a fish theme and we made some great fish pictures:

The kinder class used their knowledge of shapes and colours to ask for the pieces of paper they wanted and made these posters.

Then we chose an emotion for each fish and drew faces.  Surprised and happy fish were the most popular by a long shot!

In the grade 2-3 class we read the book 'Hooray for fish!' which has lots of unusual fish like peacock fish and strawberry and pineapple fish and then invented our own fish and wrote a sentence describing them:

Definitely something fishy going on around here!