
A riddle for you

What do eggs, rabbits, chocolate, chickens and Jesus have in common?


It's almost Easter and I'm already excited. :) (remember what that means?)

Easter is traditionally a Christian celeberation of the ressuresction of Jesus Christ. Very simply, Jesus was killed on Friday and buried in the ground with a large rock on top of his grave.

But on Sunday morning he was gone. The rock had been moved and Jesus was gone. He had returned to heaven.

Many Christian people celebrate this miracle with church celebrations.

But for many, many more people Easter is about chocolate.

Lots of chocolate!!

Easter Eggs can be real eggs, hardboiled and dyed like these:

or chocolate eggs covered in colourful wrapping like these:

or painted eggs like these:

We hide the eggs outside and children enjoy searching for them. This is called an Easter Egg Hunt.

Children believe that the Easter Bunny hides the eggs for them.

Do you know who the Easter Bunny is?

Here's a picture for you:

And finally the riddle I promised you:

Q: Why did the Easter Egg hide?

A: Because he was a little chicken!

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