
one last Valentine's Day post

Last one.

I promise!!

I-chan made these chocolates all by herself.

And brought them to class for Heather-sensei.

And even remembered

"Happy Valentine's Day!" 

when she handed them over.

Thank you I-chan.

Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

more Valentine's!

Did you know that in Western countries Valentine's is a time for men to treat the women they love with gifts?  Red roses, chocolates, dinner at a romantic restaurant, even jewellery are all popular Valentine's Day gifts.

Our kinder class kids can't afford jewellery or red roses just yet but they shopped at Heather-sensei's sticker shop to make these romantic cards for their mums.

'Three red stickers please.'
Thank you.
'Five more green stickers please.'
Thank you.
'One big white heart sticker please.'
Thank you.

Phew.... you don't need any money at this shop but you sure get tired using all that English!

All the mummies were surprised and very pleased with their Valentine's Day gifts though and that made it all worth the effort!


the longest train ever!

While we were waiting for class to start we made a big castle with all the circle blocks.  Then we decided that we needed some way to get to the castle so we started making a train.

We counted the blocks until we lost count then we made sections of all one colour or shape (we have square blocks and rectangular blocks.)

When we finished making our train we tried to push it:  

'Push, push, push-

oh no!'

Our train was too long and it broke.

Lucky we took a picture before we got started, hey?

Happy Valentine's Day

The kinder kids in Toyoshina have been learning about Valentine's Day.

We sorted hearts by size and colour.

We chose the hearts we liked and counted them.

We asked for more and swapped any we didn't need.

And then we made pictures with our hearts.

Phewwww- that was a lot of work for one lesson but we had some great pictures to show our mums and dads!

We really did have fun but we're a bit shy in front of the camera.

another winner!

The superbowl competition at the Azusagawa school was won.....



Congratulations Masaki!

Stay tuned for the next competition!




スーパーボールは、 アメリカンフットボールの最高の大会であり、アメリカ最大のスポーツイベントだそうです。
毎年2月上旬の日曜日に開催されており、スーパーボウル当日はスーパーボウルサンデー(Super Bowl Sunday)、もしくはスーパーサンデーとも呼ばれ、事実上アメリカの祝日となっています。ハーフタイムショーもいつも話題になります。今年はビヨンセがショーをして、デスティニーズチャイルドも登場しました。


Riho, you are such a lucky girl!!!!!!